Gramvousa - Balos (Blue Lagoon)





Starting early, heading west, after a short breakfast stop near Rethymnon and a drive past Chania, we reach the Port of Kissamos or Kavonissi. Here we board our boat for a pleasant sail along the coastline. On the way you can see the signs of the impressive geological phenomenon of land elevation by 6 to 9 meters above sea level (Crete has been rising out of the sea on the western side and sinking on the eastern side for more than 2000 years).

After approximately one hour, our boat arrives in the port of the pirate island of Gramvousa. During the Turkish occupation, the residents of the island started looting boats passing through, which gained the island its pirate reputation. According to Homer, Gramvousa is the island of Aeolus in “Odyssey”. It is a protected biotope, hosting over 400 plant species and the habitat of over 100 bird species, the Mediterranean seal Monachus Monachus and the sea turtle “Caretta-Caretta”. Here you can visit the Venetian Castle, which was built in 1579 on the top of a steep rock, at the highest point of the island and it’s one of the most impressive castles in Greece. The spectacular view, the marvelous landscape and the “legend of the Pirate’s hidden treasure” is an attraction not to be missed. As well as your visit to the castle, you have plenty of time for swimming or having lunch on board (optional).

Our boat then departs for the Blue Lagoon of Balos, a shallow and warm water lagoon, which brings to memory similar lagoons in the Caribbean. Here the crystal-clear, azure colored sea water, in combination with the white sand makes this place unique, and one of the most beautiful beaches all over the world. Your stay at the lagoon, where you can enjoy a fantastic swim, will be approximately three hours, before boarding our boat for the return sail.

Boat  € 15,00






                                        Per Person

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